Thursday, June 27, 2013

Bakin' in the Bakken

I must admit, the idea of trying to cook the way I do now while living in a camper in North Dakota is a bit intimidating. Oh, gasp! Where will I find my chia seeds and maca powder?! Well, thankfully, the Marketplace in Minot has chia seeds and I can order most anything else from Amazon. So, with that worry out of the way I plan on focusing on locally sourced ingredients.

The first thing that I plan on checking out when I get back to North Dakota is the local honey. North Dakota is the #1 producer of honey in the United States and I'm very curious to see how it compares to our local honey here in Kentucky.

Midsummer's Day Honey is Yummy!

I won't pretend to be any kind of honey expert, but I can definitely taste the difference between the fall and midsummer honey in Kentucky. The native plant life in North Dakota is so very different from what we have here that I'm really interested to see how the differences affect the taste.

I think that part of the fun in this project will be tracking down local honey. I know there is a farmer's market on Saturdays in Williston that I will be checking out, but I hope that I can find a place closer to Parshall that will have local honey as well. I'll be updating you on my honey safari in about three weeks so don't forget to check back to see how I make out!

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